A shared page for my good friend in Colorado.

Current Status (updated 10/4/24)

What a piece of work BS is, and I don’t mean Barbara Streissand. At least I never like Springsteen’s music, so I am not faced with the dilemma of listening to a band I like whose members are crazy in the head like the Foo Fighters. Never like BS’s music and never will, and he can take his politics and go home. Plus, he’s become an ugly MF. But the stage has been set by the leftist in this country who will resort to violence if Trump wins, so BS is only warning us what they will do to save the country from “Hitler” if nee



Content to be added soon... But here is a preview of things to come.


Corn Pop was a bad dude
And he ran a bunch of bad boys
Hey, Ester, you!
Off the board or I'll come up and drag you off
I got a lot
Hairy legs
That turn blond in the sun
And the kids used to come, rub my legs down
So it was straight
And then watch the hair come back up again
I learned about kids jumping on my lap
And I love kids jumping on my lap

Corn Pop was a bad dude And he ran a bunch of bad boys Hey, Ester, you! Off the board or I'll come up and drag you off I got a lot Hairy legs That turn blond in the sun And the kids used to come, rub my legs down So it was straight And then watch the hair come back up again I learned about kids jumping on my lap And I love kids jumping on my lap -Biden


8/15/20 - It was great to hear from you. Really hard to believe that the reunion was a year ago. As I mentioned, the year went by in a flash but so many things happened as well. Adjusting to life without a car was, of course, a major impact with wide ranging consequences. Getting to and from my parents place was nearly an 8 hour ordeal which did not leave much time to take care of things with them. It pretty much has been a nightmare situation, but I'm trying to make it until October. At that point, it's on to phase two which I have no idea what to expect. It's a day at a time.

Sorry to hear about the problems with your car. Fortunately, you can walk to work in a pinch. Funny that I may have a solution to your car situation. But I'll have to text you for those details.

Your job really does put you at risk for the COVID. I hope you are able to stay safe. It seems to be Russian roulette, so you may get the COVID and not even know it to being severely ill or worse. I hear that people in the health care field on the front lines have very good immune systems given their exposure to crap every day, so hopefully you are well protected. Hang in there. I hope you are finding some fulfillment from your job. My next job has to be a job that I enjoy doing or else I will just have to throw in the towel. At that point, I may just vote along with all the liberals who want handouts - lol. Before I would sell out to the other side, I would find a way to quietly go away.