Stuff to share with Daniel

Current Status (updated 10/4/24)

What a piece of work BS is, and I don’t mean Barbara Streissand. At least I never like Springsteen’s music, so I am not faced with the dilemma of listening to a band I like whose members are crazy in the head like the Foo Fighters. Never like BS’s music and never will, and he can take his politics and go home. Plus, he’s become an ugly MF. But the stage has been set by the leftist in this country who will resort to violence if Trump wins, so BS is only warning us what they will do to save the country from “Hitler” if nee



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Tech issues continue and have consumed almost a week of my time now. It’s a double edge sword since tech issues prevent me from working on other things as I work through the tech issues, and I am unable to update project plans, track progress, and simply physically work on what I need to be doing at the condo. I am at the point now of considering to dump tech (or tech has dumped me) and go back to the way we used to do things on paper.

But right now, I have had to allocate a few days to spend additional time trying to resolve these tech issues. Interestingly enough, this type situation where I have a long-term tech fail has always been on my radar as something I must be prepared for. In the past, I had everything worked out with backup schedules which included taking periodical images of all computers, etc. I had hardware backup as well with multiple computers, routers, printers, laptop, tablets, etc. But in hindsight, the software I used to do backups stopped working well with new MS OS’s, and I started acquiring more hardware to the point I had 10 desktops, 6 laptops, and many other devices to backup and maintain. When backups became problematic, I had to change the way I did backups using other software which all had idiosyncrasies (problems/bugs). At some point, I began to rely on the OS itself to maintain recovery options and dumped my backup routine. But when the fit hits the shan as it is happening now, my backups may have gotten me back online immediately in a matter of minutes instead of days or weeks.

Anyway, I am dividing my time this week primarily with the condo and tech issues. The fence project began today. I’ll upload some pictures soon. Spending the days at the condos and evenings trying to get back up and running online. Very frustrating since I will need to determine if the issue with getting a reliable internet connection is on my end or Spectrum’s. Every time I think I have the problem identified and/or resolved, it keeps coming back and right as I am trying to catch up and get back on track. How frustrating is that?


Hope you successfully got off the ground yesterday and the vacation is going well. Just a very quick update. Dealing with one of those unscheduled things that came up yesterday. My internet went down, and an on day two trying to resolve the issue with my ISP and router manufacturer. I have one older computer connected to the internet, but I am working in a very degraded mode. I spent the entire day yesterday dealing with tech issues and it continues today with no ETA for a resolution. I will let you know when I am back on line and focusing back on the project plan and moving forward with that.
