A shared page made for Carmen to share content without using FB or other social media apps.
I hope you are staying healthy and safe and COVID free. Missing your class at 24 Hour Fitness. Looking forward to reopening, but not sure how it will work. One hour sessions and then half hour closed to clean. We will make it work, hopefully. I hope you doing well.

Current Status (updated 10/4/24)

What a piece of work BS is, and I don’t mean Barbara Streissand. At least I never like Springsteen’s music, so I am not faced with the dilemma of listening to a band I like whose members are crazy in the head like the Foo Fighters. Never like BS’s music and never will, and he can take his politics and go home. Plus, he’s become an ugly MF. But the stage has been set by the leftist in this country who will resort to violence if Trump wins, so BS is only warning us what they will do to save the country from “Hitler” if nee



Instant Pot Creations

Instant Pot Recipe

Instant Pot Recipe

Instant Pot Soup

Instant Pot Soup
