This is a shared page just for Tony. Hope you are staying well and COVID free.

Current Status (updated 10/4/24)

What a piece of work BS is, and I don’t mean Barbara Streissand. At least I never like Springsteen’s music, so I am not faced with the dilemma of listening to a band I like whose members are crazy in the head like the Foo Fighters. Never like BS’s music and never will, and he can take his politics and go home. Plus, he’s become an ugly MF. But the stage has been set by the leftist in this country who will resort to violence if Trump wins, so BS is only warning us what they will do to save the country from “Hitler” if nee



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My dearest brother it was one year ago today I had to make the difficult decision to let you go. For months I lived in pain and agony with the decision I made but you gave me majestic signs I made the right decision. My heart aches daily and not a single day goes by that I think about you.

I find comfort you passed away on our mother’s birthday, also

the day you were buried your great niece was born named Ocean which I know you were very excited to see and get to know but now she has an angel named Uncle Ralph watching over her.

I miss you my brother and you will never be forgotten.